How to Boost Your Client’s Website Conversion Rates With Copywriting

Are Your Clients Happy With Their Current Conversion Rates on Their AdWords or Social Media Advertising Campaigns?

As an agency, you should always be looking for more ways to add value to their digital marketing, instead of waiting for a problem to pop up. This proactive attitude will not only improve your service to them but will also open up new revenue streams for your business, especially when you’ve got a reliable white label, wholesale digital marketing partner to rely on.

One of the best ways this can be done is by enhancing the conversion rate optimisation services that you provide your clients with by including some world class copywriting in it.

When a client contacts your agency for website copy (and you take up White Label Copywriting South Africa’s wholesale content writing services in order to provide it to them), it’s often the only time you’ll provide them with copy, as many businesses assume that updating website copy is a once off job that can be ticked off and forgotten.

They’ll will rarely revisit it until their rankings start suffering or they change their product or service offering. As a digital marketing agency offering them copywriting, it’s your job to educate and demonstrate to them why their website copy should be viewed as a work in progress.

Search engines and South African customers are constantly changing, and competitors come and go. For this reason, investing in a conversion rate optimisation service makes sense as it will (on an ongoing basis) work on tweaking a website’s SEO, design and copy to ensure that they’re geared towards converting visitors into buying customers.

Copywriting is an important component of a website’s ability to convert, and therefore clients should be aware of the potential that copy has to convert visitors to customers, leading to a better conversion rate and ultimately a better ROI. But how do you know if the copy on your client’s website is converting at its optimum or could be doing better? By split testing. And one of the best places to do this is on a Landing Page.

If you’re running an AdWords campaign or social media advertising campaign for your client, you’re no doubt collecting the clicks on a dedicated and custom-made Landing Page, suited to the campaign.  What you should be doing is encouraging your client to have two versions of the same Landing Page, both with different designs and copy elements (body copy, Calls-To-Action, headers etc). When you do this, you’ll very clearly be able to see and track which page is performing  better. When you know this, you’re able to abandon the underperforming one and put all your client’s efforts into the winner. This will increase their conversions, increase their revenue and increase their ROI. And who do they have to thank for it? Their pro digital marketing agency.

Not only will this help you build a longer-term relationship with them by helping you meet their ongoing copywriting needs, but it also ensures that they get the maximum value from the content you’ve provided them with – and that is ultimately what it’s all about!

If you’d like to find out more about accessing a wholesale conversion rate optimisation service or offering your clients white label copywriting, get in touch with us today.


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