How To Explain To Clients That There’s No Need To Use Keyword Stuffing As An SEO Tool

When search engines were first starting out, you could choose some critical keywords, like ‘best sneakers’, and then literally stuff your webpage full of those keywords. The search engine would then recognise all these keywords, and give you a higher SEO ranking because of them.

This led to an explosion of webpages abusing the method and just shoving keywords into their pages without any good reason, where web users would arrive on websites looking to buy sneakers and read paragraphs like “Looking to buy sneakers? We sell sneakers. We have the best sneakers. Buy our sneakers!”

This led to some disgruntled web users, and forced search engines to start getting a little bit smarter. Despite this, many clients to this day still believe in keyword stuffing as a valid tool. Here’s how you can explain to them why it no longer works.

The first thing that you should explain to your clients is that rankings are determined by the very algorithm that is responsible for the GoogleBot, and that this bot is a ‘crawler’ that reads every webpage ever published and the keywords present. Because Google always aims to keep their search engine as a place that people can go to for reliable and useful content, the algorithm has developed into one of the forerunners in artificial intelligence linguistic learning.

This means that Google is always improving its recognition patterns on how people write and speak in the most natural way to be able to inspect a website and work out automatically if the content was written for quality purposes, or for keyword stuffing purposes.

So does this means that clients can no longer look to keywords? You already know the answer to this one. Moderation is key.

Client’s should understand that first and foremost, their written content should be created for a human audience. Humans are and always will be important customers. The trick is to balance writing for a machine and it’s (humanly implemented) specific requirements of SEO Services as well as the average Joe and Jane reading the page. The goal is to achieve that delicate balance where your keywords are naturally embedded into writing.

Making sure clients understand the above is crucial, as it will allow them to accept the content you provide and trust that it’s going to get the job done. If you currently are struggling to meet your client’s copy demands or perhaps want to expand your service offering to include it, White Label Copywriting USA can help. Visit for more information.


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